Nissan 200 SX 1997

This generation of Nissan 200 SX has been produced from January, 1997 to July, 2000. We can provide information about 2 modifications of this generation. The car has been produced only with classical rear wheel drive.

This Nissan is available with one petrol engine with displacement 2.0 litres and power of 200 HP.
The car is available with both manual (1 version), as well as automatic (1 version) gearbox.

Compare Nissan 200 SX to other cars

Nissan 200 SX 1997 average fuel consumption in combined cycle for petrol engine is from 8.8 to 8.9 litres per 100km. The most fuel efficient Nissan 200 SX 1997 petrol engine version is Nissan 200 SX Turbo, consuming 8.8 litres per 100km.
According to user reviews, Nissan 200 SX real-world fuel consumption is on average about approximately for 23 percents higher as the manufacturer's claimed fuel economy. For a more detailed actual fuel economy of each model, select a specific Nissan 200 SX modification.

Nissan 200 SX 1997 CO2 emissions are from 220 to 239 grams per kilometer. Nissan 200 SX version with the lowest CO2 emissions is Nissan 200 SX Turbo, which produces 220 grams of CO2 per one kilometer.

The best acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h - 7.5 seconds has Nissan 200 SX Turbo version, Nissan 200 SX Turbo is slower and reaching this speed only in 8.3 seconds. The maximum top speed is 235 km/h for the 2.0 petrol 4-cylinder 200 hp version (Nissan 200 SX Turbo).

Lenght of Nissan 200 SX is 452 cm, it is decent size car. For comparison - Nissan 200 SX is about 2 cm longer than Opel Vectra, but 3 cm shorter than Audi A4 sedan. Nissan 200 SX gross weight is 1780 kg, which is approximately the same as the average for cars of this age and class. Nissan 200 SX trunk space is 307 litres.

Below you will find more detailed information about Nissan 200 SX prices and costs.

Nissan 200 SX modifications

Modification Engine Power Consumption Gearbox
Nissan 200 SX 1997 2.0 Turbo

Most dynamic version - 100 km/h in 7.5 seconds
Most fuel efficient version

2.0 Petrol 200 HP 8.8 l/100km Manual (5)
Nissan 200 SX 1997 2.0 Turbo 2.0 Petrol 200 HP 8.9 l/100km Automatic (4)

Nissan 200 SX total costs of ownership

Nissan 200 SX mileage

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Nissan 200 SX 1997 photo images

Nissan 200 SX 1997 photo image 1

Nissan 200 SX 1997 photo image 2

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