Real Mazda CX-7 fuel consumption

Mazda CX-7 real fuel consumption by user reviews is approximately 11% higher compared to official consumption. For petrol engines real consumption is in average 10% higher, but for diesel engines is approximately 12% higher.
See below for the actual consumption of each generation and version.
2009 Mazda CX-7 2009 Average real petrol consumption difference: +12% Average real diesel consumption difference: +12%
ModificationFuelClaimed consumptionReal consumption
2.2Mazda CX-7 2009 2.2 TD MT Diesel 7.5 l/100km 8.4 l/100km+12%
2.3Mazda CX-7 2010 2.3 238 Hp AT 4x4 Petrol 11.5 l/100km
2.3Mazda CX-7 2009 2.3 260 Hp MT 4x4 Petrol 10.4 l/100km 11.6 l/100km+12%
2.5Mazda CX-7 2011 2.5 AT Petrol 9.4 l/100km
2007 Mazda CX-7 2007 Average real petrol consumption difference: +7%
ModificationClaimed consumptionReal consumption
2.3Mazda CX-7 2007 2.3 4WD AT 11.5 l/100km
2.3Mazda CX-7 2007 2.3 DISI Turbo MT 4x4 11.0 l/100km 11.8 l/100km+7%

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