Land Rover Freelander 2002

This generation of Land Rover Freelander has been produced from July, 2002 to October, 2003. We can provide information about 4 modifications of this generation. 2002 Land Rover Freelander comes with four wheel drive (4x4).

This Land Rover is available with two petrol engines with displacement from 1.8 to 2.5 litres and power of from 117 to 177 horsepower un one diesel engine with displacement 2.0 litres and power of 112 HP.
The car is available with both manual (2 versions), as well as automatic (2 versions) gearbox.

Land Rover Freelander 2002 photo image
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Land Rover Freelander 2002 average fuel consumption in combined cycle for petrol engine is from 10.4 to 12.4 litres per 100km, whereas for diesel engine - from 7.6 to 8.6 litres per 100km. The most fuel efficient Land Rover Freelander 2002 petrol engine version is Land Rover Freelander Station Wagon 1.8i, consuming 10.4 litres per 100km. While the most fuel efficient Land Rover Freelander 2002 diesel - Land Rover Freelander Station Wagon 2.0 Td4 for 100 kilometers consumes 7.6 liters of diesel.
According to user reviews, Land Rover Freelander real-world fuel consumption is on average about approximately for 8 percents higher as the manufacturer's claimed fuel economy. For a more detailed actual fuel economy of each model, select a specific Land Rover Freelander modification.

Land Rover Freelander 2002 CO2 emissions for petrol engine are from 248 to 298 grams per kilometer, whereas for diesel engine - from 205 to 240 grams per kilometer. From Land Rover Freelander with petrol engines the lowest CO2 emissions has Land Rover Freelander Station Wagon 1.8i which produces an average of 248 grams of CO2 per kilometer. In turn, from the Land Rover Freelander diesels least CO2 distributes Land Rover Freelander Station Wagon 2.0 Td4 - 205 grams per km.

The best acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h - 11.1 seconds has Land Rover Freelander Station Wagon 2.5i V6 version, conversely the tardiest one is Land Rover Freelander Station Wagon 2.0 Td4 reaching this speed only in 15.3 seconds. The maximum top speed is 182 km/h for the 2.5 petrol 177 hp version (Land Rover Freelander Station Wagon 2.5i V6).

Lenght of Land Rover Freelander is 438 cm, it is medium size car. For comparison - Land Rover Freelander is about 1 cm longer than Mitsubishi Pajero, but 2 cm shorter than Toyota RAV4. Land Rover Freelander gross weight is 2000 kg, which is approximately the same as the average for cars of this age and class.

This Land Rover is relatively cheap - it can be purchased (in Latvia, EU) for around 2000 €. According to user reviews, average Land Rover Freelander repair costs are 70 € per year. Users calculated Land Rover Freelander 2002 cost of ownership for this generation, got average 2100 € cost per year and 0.24 € cost per one kilometer. Fuel costs were estimated at around 55%, while repair and maintenance costs - around 23% from total. We have an excellent car cost calculator, calculate ownership costs of Land Rover Freelander for your situation and driving habits here! Our review authors managed to sell their Land Rover Freelander in average time of 9 months. Below you will find more detailed information about Land Rover Freelander prices and costs.

Land Rover Freelander modifications

Modification Engine Power Consumption Gearbox
Land Rover Freelander 2002 Station Wagon 1.8i 4x4

Most fuel efficient petrol version

1.8 Petrol 117 HP 10.4 l/100km Manual (5)
Land Rover Freelander 2002 Station Wagon 2.0 Td4 4x4

Most fuel efficient diesel version

2.0 Diesel 112 HP 7.6 l/100km Manual (5)
Land Rover Freelander 2002 Station Wagon 2.0 Td4 4x4 2.0 Diesel 112 HP 8.6 l/100km Automatic (5)
Land Rover Freelander 2002 Station Wagon 2.5i V6 4x4

Most dynamic version - 100 km/h in 11.1 seconds

2.5 Petrol 177 HP 12.4 l/100km Automatic (5)

Land Rover Freelander safety

During safety testing Land Rover Freelander has obtained 3 stars from five, which means average safety level.
Adults (driver and passenger) safety of Land Rover Freelander is evaluated with three stars, and for pedestrian protection Land Rover Freelander got one star.

Land Rover Freelander prices

Land Rover Freelander 2002 - 2003 crossover price in Latvia is from 900 € to 2800 €.
Comparing to analogical vehicles Land Rover Freelander price is more below average - Land Rover Freelander is approximately for 41 percents cheaper then average crossovers of this age (compare crossovers 2002 - 2003 prices). The reason of Land Rover Freelander low price could be its poor quality (see below) so we recommend particularly examine the car before purchase and do not choose it only by price.

Land Rover Freelander 2003 price 1000 € 2000 € 2700 €
Land Rover Freelander 2002 price 900 € 2000 € 2800 €

Land Rover Freelander total costs of ownership

Land Rover Freelander mileage

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Land Rover Freelander reliability and quality

According to yearly reports of vehicle inspection service Land Rover Freelander reliability is little below average. In the roadworthiness tests in 2008 defects were detected in an average of 9.4 percent of Land Rover Freelander of this generation (on average 6 years old at the time of inspection). The average failure rate for a vehicles of the same age was 8.9%.

Land Rover Freelander reliability and quality

Land Rover Freelander 2002 features (options)

Percentage of Land Rover Freelander with corresponding feature (option)

Adjustable steering wheel
Metallic paint
Roof bars (railings)
Leather upholstery
Heated seats
Climate control

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  • fewer faults
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  • higher safety
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Land Rover Freelander reviews

Total 12 Land Rover Freelander owner reviews

Land Rover Freelander 2002 Diesel 2.0 litres, Manual gearbox
Purchase year:2017 age of car 15 years)Owned for165`000 kilometers (6 years)
Average fuel consumption:10.0 litres per 100km (60% urban driving)
Total cost of repairs:600 € (~ 100 € per year)
Total car rating:
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