Mitsubishi Space Wagon
Mitsubishi Space Wagon technical data
Select Mitsubishi Space Wagon generation for full details - reviews, specifications, fuel consumption, pricing, quality and safety features, options, photos and more
Is Mitsubishi Space Wagon a reliable car?
Mitsubishi Space Wagon is a reliable car. In terms of the number of defects found during annual inspections, the Mitsubishi Space Wagon scores better than 80% of other cars of a similar age tested.
Based on these reviews, the highest reliability scores were demonstrated by Mitsubishi Space Wagon generation from 1991 to 2000, but overall the reliability scores of all tested Mitsubishi Space Wagon generations are quite similar.
Most Mitsubishi Space Wagon are equipped with timing belt engines, which are generally considered less reliable than timing chain engines.
Mitsubishi Space Wagon reviews
Total 5 Mitsubishi Space Wagon owner reviews
Pros: Large, stable on uneven road. High clearance, easy driving on forest roads. Very comfortable seats - firmly and with good back support. On winter is warming up very quickly.
Cons: The wind quite loudly heard outside city at high speeds. Little things sometimes rankles. It is hard to find specific parts. Cabin conditioner rather difficult to cope with cooling of large volume.
Purchase year: | 2018 age of car 18 years) | Owned for | 5`000 kilometers (0 years) |
Average fuel consumption: | 8.7 litres per 100km (50% urban driving) | ||
Total cost of repairs: | 700 € |
Would recomend this car to the friend
Pros: Pulling a trailer without problems, large work horse.
At -20° starts ar first try. I was never stayed on edge of road. If you need a 100% work horse, take it.
Cons: The gear-box is wayward.
Comfort speed is up to 100 km per hour maximum, because sound insulation is bad.
Purchase year: | 2012 age of car 14 years) | Owned for | 50`000 kilometers (4 years) |
Average fuel consumption: | 7.0 litres per 100km (10% urban driving) |
Would recomend this car to the friend
Pros: Four-wheel drive, comfortable, practical, easy to control
Cons: Pernickety GDI engine, but if properly maintained, then you have no problem. Of course don't like salt
Purchase year: | 2017 age of car 17 years) | Owned for | 15`000 kilometers (0 years) |
Average fuel consumption: | 9.0 litres per 100km (40% urban driving) | ||
Total cost of repairs: | 119 € |
Would NOT recomend this car to the friend
Purchase year: | 1990 new car) | Owned for | 175`000 kilometers (31 year) |
Would recomend this car to the friend
Pros: Everthing IS super