Audi A3 2018 is a more dynamic driving. Audi A3 2014 engine produces 6 HP less power than Audi A3 2018, the torque is the same for both cars. Due to the lower power, Audi A3 2014 reaches 100 km/h speed 0.8 seconds later.
Fuel consumption
Fuel consumption (l/100km):
no data
no data
Fuel tank capacity:
55 litres
50 litres
1010 km with real consumption
890 km with real consumption
Drive type
Wheel drive type:
All wheel drive (AWD, 4x4)
Front wheel drive (FWD)
4.46 m
4.46 m
1.80 m
1.80 m
1.42 m
1.42 m
Both cars are similar in size. Audi A3 2014 and Audi A3 2018 are practically the same length.
Trunk capacity:
390 litres
425 litres
Trunk max capacity: with rear seats folded down
845 litres
no data
Audi A3 2018 has more luggage space. Audi A3 2014 has 35 litres less trunk space than the Audi A3 2018.
Turning diameter:
11 meters
10.9 meters
The turning circle of the Audi A3 2014 is 0.1 metres more than that of the Audi A3 2018.
Audi A3 2018 has fewer problems. According to annual technical inspection data Audi A3 2014 has serious deffects in 95 percent more cases than Audi A3 2018, so Audi A3 2018 quality is probably significantly better