Seat Ibiza 2008 vs Seat Ibiza 2008

Seat Ibiza
2008 - 2012
Seat Ibiza
2008 - 2012
Gearbox: ManualManual
Engine: 1.4 Petrol1.4 Petrol


Power: 85 HP85 HP
Torque: 132 NM132 NM
Acceleration 0-100 km/h: 12.2 seconds12.2 seconds
Seat Ibiza 2008 and Seat Ibiza 2008 have the same engine power, the torque is the same for both cars.

Fuel consumption

Fuel consumption (l/100km): 6.26.2
Fuel tank capacity: 45 litres45 litres
Full fuel tank distance: 720 km in combined cycle720 km in combined cycle
880 km on highway880 km on highway
640 km with real consumption640 km with real consumption


Length: 4.03 m4.05 m
Width: 1.69 m1.69 m
Height: 1.43 m1.45 m
Both cars are similar in size. Seat Ibiza 2008 is 2 cm shorter than the Seat Ibiza 2008, width is practically the same , while the height of Seat Ibiza 2008 is 2 cm lower.
Trunk capacity: 284 litres292 litres
Trunk max capacity:
with rear seats folded down
938 litres938 litres
Seat Ibiza 2008 has 8 litres less trunk space than the Seat Ibiza 2008.
Turning diameter: 10.5 meters10.5 meters
Gross weight (kg): 1`5011`526
below average

below average
Average price (€): 34003200
Pros and Cons:
    Seat Ibiza has
    • lower price
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