Subaru Impreza 1997 reliability and quality

Production year from 1997 to 1998

Unfortunately, the most recent inspection data for this Subaru Impreza is more than 10 years old, but at that time reliability was entirely high.

During regular inspections in average failures were found for approximately only 6.7 percents of Subaru Impreza.

The quality comes at a price - used Subaru Impreza is around 145 percent more expensive than the average sedans of its age.

Subaru Impreza price and technical data
Subaru Impreza 1997 owner reviews
Sedans 1997 - 1998 prices

Year of inspection Age of car Failures found %
/ average for same age cars
Place in rating
Subaru Impreza 1998
2004 6 years 6.1% / 10.90% 16. from 103
Subaru Impreza 1997
2004 7 years 7.2% / 16.70% 5. from 85