Hyundai Galloper 1991
This generation of Hyundai Galloper has been produced from January, 1991 to December, 1998. We can provide information about 1 modification of this generation. 1991 Hyundai Galloper comes with four wheel drive (4x4).
This Hyundai is available with one petrol engine with displacement 3.0 litres and power of 141 HP. All engines have a timing belt driven camshaft, which requires more frequent service than a timing chain, but replacing timing belt is less expensive, and these engines are generally slightly more fuel efficient and quieter (What is an engine chain and belt?).
The car is available with only with manual gearbox.
Hyundai Galloper 1991 average fuel consumption in combined cycle is approximately Array litres per 100km. The most fuel efficient Hyundai Galloper 1991 version is , consuming Array litres of per 100km.
Below you will find more detailed information about Hyundai Galloper prices and costs.
Hyundai Galloper modifications
Modification | Engine | Power | Consumption |
Hyundai Galloper 1991 3.0 V6 4x4 | 3.0 Petrol | 141 HP | - |
Hyundai Galloper total costs of ownership
How much really costs to own Hyundai Galloper?
Hyundai Galloper 1991 total costs of ownership calculator
Calculate total cost of ownership of the Hyundai Galloper, including purchase, insurance, maintenance, taxes and other costs based on how you use your vehicle.
Hyundai Galloper 1991 photo images
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- petrol and diesel engines available
- both manual and automatic
- petrol and diesel engines available
- both manual and automatic
- both manual and automatic
- petrol and diesel engines available
- both manual and automatic
- petrol and diesel engines available
- petrol and diesel engines available
- both manual and automatic
- petrol and diesel engines available